吉他六线谱下载(谁有专门查找木吉他六线谱的网站 要六线谱的 可以找到一些网络歌手的歌曲的网站)

2024-06-14 10:02:04 12

吉他六线谱下载(谁有专门查找木吉他六线谱的网站 要六线谱的 可以找到一些网络歌手的歌曲的网站)

各位老铁们好,相信很多人对吉他六线谱下载都不是特别的了解,因此呢,今天就来为大家分享下关于吉他六线谱下载以及谁有专门查找木吉他六线谱的网站 要六线谱的 可以找到一些网络歌手的歌曲的网站的问题知识,还望可以帮助大家,解决大家的一些困惑,下面一起来看看吧!


谁有专门查找木吉他六线谱的网站 要六线谱的 可以找到一些网络歌手的歌曲的网站

  • 个人最喜欢的是 虫虫吉他网,至于网络歌手的话,建议去百度MP3,因为有很多人都在上面发歌 ,google也不错,但是一般都是正版的音乐,很给力

  • http://www.ccjt.net/ 直接点进去吧 省得你找了

  • 虫虫 谱天下 吉他谱 百度

我可以 吉他谱六线谱



wisemen:She said to me, "Go steady on me. Won’t you tell me what the Wise Men said? When they came down from Heaven, Smoked nine ’til seven, All the shit that they could find, But they couldn’t escape from you, Couldn’t be free of you, And now they know there’s no way out, And they’re really sorry now for what they’ve done, They were three Wise Men just trying to have some fun." Look who’s alone now, It’s not me. It’s not me. Those three Wise Men, They’ve got a semi by the sea. Got to ask yourself the question, Where are you now? Got to ask yourself the question, Where are you now? Really sorry now, They weren’t to know. They got caught up in your talent show, With you pernickety little bastards in your fancy dress, Who just judge each other and try to impress, But they couldn’t escape from you, Couldn’t be free of you, And now they know there’s no way out, And they’re really sorry now for what they’ve done, They were three Wise Men just trying to have some fun. Look who’s alone now, It’s not me. It’s not me. Those three Wise Men, They’ve got a semi by the sea. Got to ask yourself the question, Where are you now? Got to ask yourself the question, Where are you now? Look who’s alone now, It’s not me. It’s not me. Those three Wise Men, They’ve got a semi by the sea. Got to ask yourself the question, Where are you now? Got to ask yourself the question, Where are you now? Where are you now? Where are you now? Got to ask youself the question, where are you now? Got to ask youself the question, where are you now?James Blunt - Cry:I have seen peace. I have seen pain,Resting on the shoulders of your name.Do you see the truth through all their lies?Do you see the world through troubled eyes?And if you want to talk about it anymore,Lie here on the floor and cry on my shoulder,I’m a friend.I have seen birth. I have seen death.Lived to see a lover’s final breath.Do you see my guilt? Should I feel fright?Is the fire of hesitation burning bright?And if you want to talk about it once again,On you I depend. I’ll cry on your shoulder.You’re a friend.You and I have been through many things.I’ll hold on to your heart.I wouldn’t cry for anything,But don’t go tearing your life apart.I have seen fear. I have seen faith.Seen the look of anger on your face.And if you want to talk about what will be,Come and sit with me, and cry on my shoulder,I’m a friend.And if you want to talk about it anymore,Lie here on the floorand cry on my shoulder once again,cry on my shoulder,I’m a friend.Tears and rain:How I wish I could surrender my soul;Shed the clothes that become my skin;See the liar that burns within my needing.How I wish I’d chosen darkness from cold.How I wish I had screamed out loud,Instead I’ve found no meaning.I guess it’s time I run far, far away;find comfort in pain,All pleasure’s the same:it just keeps me from trouble.Hides my true shape, like Dorian Gray.I’ve heard what they say,but I’m not here for trouble.It’s more than just words:it’s just tears and rain.How I wish I could walkthrough the doors of my mind;(Hold memory close at hand)Hold memory close at hand,Help me understand the years.How I wish I could choose between Heaven and Hell.How I wish I would save my soul.I’m so cold from fear.I guess it’s time I run far, far away;find comfort in pain,All pleasure’s the same:it just keeps me from trouble.Hides my true shape, like Dorian Gray.I’ve heard what they say,but I’m not here for trouble.Far, far away; find comfort in pain.All pleasure’s the same:it just keeps me from trouble.It’s more than just words:it’s just tears and rain.Tears and rainJames Blunt - 1973:SimonaYou’re getting olderYour journey’s beenEtched on your skinSimonaWish I had known thatWhat seemed so strongHas been and goneI will call you up every Saturday nightAnd we both stayed out ’til the morning lightAnd we sang, "Here we go again"And though time goes byI will always beIn a club with youIn 1973Singing "Here we go again"SimonaWish I was soberSo I could see clearly nowThe rain has goneSimonaI guess it’s overMy memory plays our tuneThe same old songI will call you up every Saturday nightAnd we both stayed out ’til the morning lightAnd we sang, "Here we go again"And though time goes byI will always beIn a club with youIn 1973Singing "Here we go again"I will call you up every Saturday nightAnd we both stayed out ’til the morning lightAnd we sang, "Here we go again"And though time goes byI will always beIn a club with youIn 1973Singing "Here we go again"I will call you up every Saturday nightAnd we both stayed out ’til the morning lightAnd we sang, "Here we go again"And though time goes byI will always beIn a club with youIn 1973Singing "Here we go again"And though time goes byI will always beIn a club with youIn 1973give me some love :Me and my guitar play my way It makes them frown The little pieces by the highway Bring me down Mine is not a heart of a stone I am only skin and bone Thoese little pieces are little pieces of my own Why don’t you give me some love I’ve taken a shit load of drugs I’m so tired of never fixing the pain Valia said to me I’ll take you seriously And we’ll come back As someone else Who’s better than yourself Many faces at the doorway All hang around Watch me fight in the hallway But make no sound So standing all alone And I’m only skin and bone So many faces but they all look out for their own Why don’t you give me some love I’ve taken a shit load of drugs I’m so tired of never fixing the pain Valia said to me I’ll take you seriously And we’ll come back as someone else Who’s better than yourself Why don’t you give me some love I’ve taken shit load of drugs I’m so tired of never fixing the pain Valia said to me I’ll take you seriously And we’ll come back as someone else Who’s better than yourself today And someday Soon they’ll drop the bomb Let it all out Someday! I know that someday Soon we’ll all be gone! So let it all out! Let it all out today! And give me some love Yeah give me some love Come give me some love, today...goodbye my lover:Did I disappoint you or let you down?Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?‘Cause I saw the end before we’d begun,Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won.So I took what’s mine by eternal right.Took your soul out into the night.It may be over but it won’t stop there,I am here for you if you’d only care.You touched my heart you touched my soul.You changed my life and all my goals.And love is blind and that I knew when,My heart was blinded by you.I’ve kissed your lips and held your head.Shared your dreams and shared your bed.I know you well, I know your smell.I’ve been addicted to you.Goodbye my lover.Goodbye my friend.You have been the one.You have been the one for me.I am a dreamer but when I wake,You can’t break my spirit - it’s my dreams you take.And as you move on, remember me,Remember us and all we used to beI’ve seen you cry, I’ve seen you smile.I’ve watched you sleeping for a while.I’d be the father of your child.I’d spend a lifetime with you.I know your fears and you know mine.We’ve had our doubts but now we’re fine,And I love you, I swear that’s true.I cannot live without you.Goodbye my lover.Goodbye my friend.You have been the one.You have been the one for me.And I still hold your hand in mine.In mine when I’m asleep.And I will bare my soul in time,When I’m kneeling at your feet.Goodbye my lover.Goodbye my friend.You have been the one.You have been the one for me.I’m so hollow, baby, I’m so hollow.I’m so, I’m so, I’m so hollow.


  • 转成 jpg 或者 TXT 的 手机都能看。不过说实话,就算是 Iphone 的大屏幕 看起来还是不舒服。当备忘用还可以。

  • 你是想放到智能手机上看,还是只是存放在手机上?如果是想在手机上看的话,要看你这个吉他谱是什么格式了,如果是JPG图片的就好办,如果是GTP则需要在Guitar Pro导出图片谱再放到手机上看。


  • 你搜索“和讯弹吉他”,在它的边栏有链接,都是图片格式的吉他六线谱http://ask.koubei.com/question/1408081505667.html

  • 雪绒花,简单又好听

  • 罗曼司第一部分

  • 最简单的吉他六弦谱就是吉他的六根弦!


  • 这个,一般来说虫虫吉他网的谱子挺全的,....我不是网站的托!!

  • 您好,我可以回答您的问题:首先,吉他谱的tab为从上到下分别是吉他上的从细到粗,也就是第一到第六根的的特殊符号缩写。而45弦中的小黑点是表示歌曲的前奏部分结束,要开始唱歌了!至于您说的谱下的类似“u”的应该是指歌曲的节奏。我在这里看您是新手,所以建议您去买本《吉他三月通》,这本书可以给您讲解很多乐理知识,尤其是六线谱的识谱方法。好了就是这些,有不懂得在追问我吧!若对您有帮助请采纳一下,谢谢您了!




吉他六线谱下载(谁有专门查找木吉他六线谱的网站 要六线谱的 可以找到一些网络歌手的歌曲的网站)





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