nationwide building society(英文介绍菲律宾的饮食文化)

2024-06-27 20:00:02 0

nationwide building society(英文介绍菲律宾的饮食文化)

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The Filipino is basically of Malay stock with a sprinkling of Chinese, American, Spanish, and Arab blood. The Philippines has a population of 76.5 million as of May 2000, and it is hard to distinguish accurately the lines between stocks. From a long history of Western colonial rule, interspersed with the visits of merchants and traders, evolved a people of a unique blend of east and west, both in appearance and culture. The Filipino character is actually a little bit of all the cultures put together. The bayanihan or spirit of kinship and camaraderie that Filipinos are famous for is said to be taken from Malay forefathers. The close family relations are said to have been inherited from the Chinese. The piousness comes from the Spaniards who introduced Christianity in the 16th century. Hospitality is a common denominator in the Filipino character and this is what distinguishes the Filipino. Filipinos are probably one of the few, if not the only, English-proficient Oriental people today. Pilipino is the official national language, with English considered as the country’s unofficial one. The Filipinos are divided geographically and culturally into regions, and each regional group is recognizable by distinct traits and dialects - the sturdy and frugal llocanos of the north, the industrious Tagalogs of the central plains, the carefree Visayans from the central islands, and the colorful tribesmen and religious Moslems of Mindanao. Tribal communities can be found scattered across the archipelago. The Philippines has more than 111 dialects spoken, owing to the subdivisions of these basic regional and cultural groups. The country is marked by a true blend of cultures; truly in the Philippines, East meets West. The background of the people is Indonesian and Malay. There are Chinese and Spanish elements as well. The history of American rule and contact with merchants and traders culminated in a unique blend of East and West, both in the appearance and culture of the Filipinos, or people of the Philippines. Hospitality, a trait displayed by every Filipino, makes these people legendary in Southeast Asia. Seldom can you find such hospitable people who enjoy the company of their Western visitors. Perhaps due to their long association with Spain, Filipinos are emotional and passionate about life in a way that seems more Latin than Asian. The Spaniards introduced Christianity (the Roman Catholic faith) and succeeded in converting the overwhelming majority of Filipinos. At least 83% of the total population belongs to the Roman Catholic faith. The American occupation was responsible for teaching the Filipino people the English language. The Philippines is currently the third-largest English speaking country in the world. The Philippines country culture starts in a tropical climate divided into rainy and dry seasons and an archipelago with 7,000 islands.These isles contain the Cordillera mountains; Luzon’s central plains; Palawan’s coral reefs; seas touching the world’s longest discontinuous coastline; and a multitude of lakes, rivers, springs, and brooks. The population—120 different ethnic groups and the mainstream communities of Tagalog/Ilocano/Pampango/Pangasinan and Visayan lowlanders—worked within a gentle but lush environment. In it they shaped their own lifeways: building houses, weaving cloth, telling and writing stories, ornamenting and decorating, preparing food. The Chinese who came to trade sometimes stayed on. Perhaps they cooked the noodles of home; certainly they used local condiments; surely they taught their Filipino wives their dishes, and thus Filipino-Chinese food came to be. The names identify them: pansit (Hokkien for something quickly cooked) are noodles; lumpia are vegetables rolled in edible wrappers; siopao are steamed, filled buns; siomai are dumplings. All, of course, came to be indigenized—Filipinized by the ingredients and by local tastes. Today, for example, Pansit Malabon has oysters and squid, since Malabon is a fishing center; and Pansit Marilao is sprinkled with rice crisps, because the town is within the Luzon rice bowl. When restaurants were established in the 19th century, Chinese food became a staple of the pansiterias, with the food given Spanish names for the ease of the clientele: this comida China (Chinese food) includes arroz caldo (rice and chicken gruel); and morisqueta tostada (fried rice). When the Spaniards came, the food influences they brought were from both Spain and Mexico, as it was through the vice-royalty of Mexico that the Philippines were governed. This meant the production of food for an elite, nonfood-producing class, and a food for which many ingredients were not locally available. Fil-Hispanic food had new flavors and ingredients—olive oil, paprika, saffron, ham, cheese, cured sausages—and new names. Paella, the dish cooked in the fields by Spanish workers, came to be a festive dish combining pork, chicken, seafood, ham, sausages and vegetables, a luxurious mix of the local and the foreign. Relleno, the process of stuffing festive capons and turkeys for Christmas, was applied to chickens, and even to bangus, the silvery milkfish. Christmas, a new feast for Filipinos that coincided with the rice harvest, came to feature not only the myriad native rice cakes, but also ensaymadas (brioche-like cakes buttered, sugared and cheese-sprinkled) to dip in hot thick chocolate, and the apples, oranges, chestnuts and walnuts of European Christmases. Even the Mexican corn tamal turned Filipino, becoming rice-based tamales wrapped in banana leaves. The Americans introduced to the Philippine cuisine the ways of convenience: pressure-cooking, freezing, pre-cooking, sandwiches and salads; hamburgers, fried chicken and steaks. Add to the above other cuisines found in the country along with other global influences: French, Italian, Middle Eastern, Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese. They grow familiar, but remain “imported” and not yet indigenized. On a buffet table today one might find, for example, kinilaw na tanguingue, mackerel dressed with vinegar, ginger, onions, hot peppers, perhaps coconut milk; also grilled tiger shrimp, and maybe sinigang na baboy, pork and vegetables in a broth soured with tamarind, all from the native repertoire. Alongside there would almost certainly be pansit, noodles once Chinese, now Filipino, still in a sweet-sour sauce. Spanish festive fare like morcon (beef rolls), embutido (pork rolls), fish escabeche and stuffed chicken or turkey might be there too. The centerpiece would probably be lechon, spit-roasted pig, which may be Chinese or Polynesian in influence, but bears a Spanish name, and may therefore derive from cochinillo asado. Vegetable dishes could include an American salad and a pinakbet (vegetables and shrimp paste). The dessert table would surely be richly Spanish: leche flan (caramel custard), natilla, yemas, dulces de naranja, membrillo, torta del rey, etc., but also include local fruits in syrup (coconut, santol, guavas) and American cakes and pies. The global village may be reflected in shawarma and pasta. The buffet table and Filipino food today is thus a gastronomic telling of Philippine history. What really is Philippine food, then? Indigenous food from land and sea, field and forest. Also and of course: dishes and culinary procedures from China, Spain, Mexico, and the United States, and more recently from further abroad. What makes them Philippine? The history and society that introduced and adapted them; the people who turned them to their tastes and accepted them into their homes and restaurants, and especially the harmonizing culture that combined them into contemporary Filipino fare. Having recently spent two years, happily squatting, sitting or laying in the aisles of any greater Vancouver or Sunshine Coast public library while researching recipes and cookbooks of every sort of cuisine imaginable (imperative, to check out the professionals, when one is writing his or her own cookbook), I came upon the idea that Canadian cooking-- and therefore eating-- is a four season experience. How many of your friends have shared special memories of traditional plates or foods, served on special occasions, in their Canadian homes? Sure, but do they ever mention the mundane, the normal things they eat every day? I’d be willing to bet my sombrero that they don’t (unless you’re talking to a foodie- a food aficionado) simply because for them, it is the norm and the norm is generally so common it borders on boring. Try asking them what they eat every day and depending on their own regions and cultural backgrounds you will receive such an astounding array that it might just whet your appetite. Meat, green beans, and mashed potatoes don’t do justice to the variety of regional and traditional plates served nationwide on Canadian tables today; still, its difficult to explain that in a cultural cornucopia, like Canada, how is it possible to retain any semblance of what is Canadian? Here, in my adopted Latin American home, I am accused of being from a culture that is not a culture at all; for lack of age (not wisdom, for wisdom is perceived as being in abundant supply in all Canadians and this myth is one I allow them) and for lack of defined and traditional plates of food that embody the geography and history of its people. Hah! I retaliate! Pah! Here is what I have begun to understand about the foods we share as a nation and the foods we constantly introduce to our nation as a greater, social body. Being Canadian and eating Canadian are one and the same. It is a Multi-cultural affair of the heart and taste buds. It is prior history made in the present day, with the roots of aged traditions boiling beneath the surface of both old and new ingredients. It is the synthesis of folklore with innovation. It is the blend of comfort and novelty that fluctuates in harmony with its surroundings and its resources. It is the constant change of the four seasons at local markets, and in today’s commercial world it means the continuous availability of International ingredients ready to be prepared and served at home. It is expansive and specific all at once. Lets talk about: wild salmon and fresh dill, codfish in white sauce, Macintosh apples wrapped in flaky pastry, beef stew left to simmer for hours and served with buttery biscuits, baked butternut or acorn squash, poutine with dark chicken gravy and melted white cheese, pancakes with real maple syrup (best to partake of these in the forest itself, while sitting at a wooden picnic table beside the vat of bubbling and sugary sap- oh man this makes me hungry), deep dish meat pie, boiled dinner (or known as Jig’s dinner in Eastern provinces), fresh garden salads with beefsteak tomatoes and garden cukes (if you are Canadian, you know what these are), lobster, clam chowder, bannock (you see, this list could go on forever). Add ingredients like rice noodles and leafy bok choy or green chilies and curried sauces, throwing in some wide noodle lasagna Bolognese, roasted potatoes and lamb served with tangy feta salad, or cashew chicken, and you will have a better idea of what people are eating, all over the country, tonight. It’s not just meat, beans, and potatoes and it is certainly not the fast food hamburger nation, although there is always something for every taste! So when I invite my local friends, families, and neighbours over for some good old Canadian fare what will I serve? I will, most likely, serve something that stems from my personal traditions and Maritime background: Something that has simmered all day and something that has been freshly baked in the oven to go with it, with a few laughs for dessert. Or perhaps we’ll barbecue a fresh salmon and make potato and garden salads too. I’ll invite them into the house, removing their shoes at the front door, and head directly to the kitchen where we will congregate for a while. I’ll put large bowls on the table and have everyone sit around and serve him or herself, passing in clockwise direction. And when they are done I’ll ask them to bring their plates to the counter near the sink (would it be too much to ask them to wash or dry as well?). Guaranteed, someone will ask me for hot sauce to go with his or her potato salad, and to that I will reply…not in Canada, eh! But stay for a while, please, and we’ll have a cup of tea (black with milk and sugar) near the fire.


  Zunyi probably introduced that:  Zunyi safflower hillock area old city (i.e. central city), until now already some 2138 history.  The time may trace the Western Han Dynasty Yuan light for five years (130 B.C.), at that time set at the kienwei county, the county governs the turtle county, namely in now Zunyi town center city.The Tang Zhenguan 16 years (the A.D. 642 years), will broadcast the Luo Mongolia county which the state will lead to change name Zunyi Xian.This is “Zunyi” the name earliest appearance.Name of the Zunyi continued to use had in 1366 until now.In November, 1949, Zunyi liberated, “the fifth administration supervised the area” to change the Zunyi special area, latter called the Zunyi area, for provincial government agency, and take original Zunyi Xian city as foundation newly built Zunyi.Hereafter during the dozens of years, the Zunyi area collar governs the county city once had the little change.In June, 1997, authorized by the State Council, to abolish the Zunyi area reconstruction for Zunyi (locally administered level, in November, 1997 licensed), original Zunyi rebuilt for the safflower hillock area, the original Zunyi area collar governed the county, the autonomous county namely turned over to the newly built Zunyi collar to govern.In 2004, authorizes by the State Council, delimits the partial areas by north the safflower hillock area and Zunyi Xian, in the original economic development zone foundation, had been established newly collects the Sichuan area.Here, the whole city altogether governs 2 areas, 2 cities, 8 counties and 2 national autonomous counties, namely: The safflower hillock area, collects the Sichuan area, the Chishui city, the Jenhwai city, Zunyi Xian, Tongzi County, Suiyang County Yangchuan, the Zhengan county, the Fenggang county, the meitan county, Yu Qingxian, custom Shui Xian, the road really Gelao national minority Miao national minority Autonomous County and serves the Sichuan Gelao national minority Miao national minority Autonomous County.  The Zunyi Hospital predecessor is Zunyi area Hospital, founded in August 1, 1938, after in March, 1998 removed supposes the city to change the name as Zunyi Hospital, was one had 70 year historical general hospital.Presently for the national three levels of general hospitals, the state-level loves the infant hospital.Receives the province successively, the city cultured and civilized work unit, the civilized hospital, the high-quality service advanced hospital, the nation sanitation system advanced group, the province sanitation system occupational ethics construction advanced group, the national health cultural reconstruction advanced unit, the province Red Flag cultured and civilized work unit and so on the title of honor, the nation founds the civilized profession advanced unit, the province 51 work certificates, the national first batch common people feels relieved the demonstration hospital, the national cultured and civilized work unit.  Zunyi’s famous bridge - - Gaoqiao.The Gaoqiao given name is called “the aid to all foreign national”, constructed in 1200, is apart from now also to have 808 years history, the bridge is the single-hole stone arch bridge which built with the blue stone, the high tall ruler, was my city earliest single-hole stone arch bridge.At that time, because the bridge body was very high, the people were named “Gaoqiao”, continues to use continuously until now.Actually Gaoqiao is not high, because it has more than 800 years history to have the fame.  Zunyi Normal school.The school predecessor is the Zunyi primary pedagogical school which in 1907 organized, is apart from now to have hundred years history.Renowned educationalist Huang Qi lived, modern renowned writer Jian Xianai and so on once successively takes the post of principal, founded the good school tradition and the school spirit for the school, has bred the inside story deep academic atmosphere.  The Zunyi Normal school area 468 Chinese acres, the school building area 210,000 square meters, the teaching equipment and the books and reference materials original value amounts to 33,100,000 Yuan.The existing Chinese, the political economy, the history, the foreign language, mathematics, the computer science, physics, chemistry, the biology, the education scientific, the primary education, music, the fine arts, the sports and so on 18 teach the department department, 21 undergraduate courses specialized and 16 faculty specialties.  The institute “fosters talent take thick Germany, studies diligently of very practical use” as an exhortation to students.And takes the promotion of cultural and ethical progress and the student extremely synthesizes the quality the raise.In 1988 attained the Ministry of Education to award “the school advanced school” the title, in 1998, in 2003, in 2005 three times had the honor to receive “the national promotion of cultural and ethical progress advanced unit”.  Guizhou day righteousness electric appliance limited liability company (original Guizhou Aviation Industry Group Day Righteousness Electric equipment plant), China Aviation Industry Corporation I company respectively by war industry primarily, armed forces goods for civilian use union high tech manufacture company.Is one of Guizhou aviation industry company’s shareholding systems.Company’s predecessor day righteousness electric equipment plant was in 1965 the aviation relay specialized manufacturer which (i.e. state-operated 105 factories) moved to the interland by Tianjin Aviation Mechanical and electrical Company is built by contract.Is the national big two enterprises.The company leads the product to have the aviation electric appliance, the automobile electric appliance, the motorcycle electric appliance, tows the electric appliance, the elevator and the high and low pressure electric appliance and so on.  Zunyi Acrobatic troupe had been established in 1958, more than 50 for years, this acrobatic troop each time is congealing the blood and the perspiration, the wisdom and the technique performance, has won the audience resounding applause response.The success has directed many newly, wonderful, American, the dangerous program, in Asia, Europe, the Americas and so on 63 countries and the area has left behind the friendship and the cultural exchange trail, further promoted China and the West cultural exchange, for the world understood the Chinese acrobatics frame got up the communication bridge.  They attend the international domestic each kind of sports event, has captured golden, silver medal more than 100; Obtains the country, the province, the city many times.They direct the large-scale acrobatic subject party "Reluctant to part Mountain State of the water" is selected 2002-2003 year country stagecraft high-quality goods project “ten big high-quality goods plays”, becomes in the Guizhou art history the important milestone.At present, this group according to the instruction from superiors spirit, positively is making University of Taiwan multimedia ballet "Red Dance - 1935", after as soon as this is continues the national stage high-quality goods project ten big high-quality goods plays - - "Reluctant to part Mountain State of the water" leans work strength.  National Ministry of Culture decided that, “Wen Huajiang” the national young people acrobatics competition is located in the Guizhou Province Zunyi a four years session of government, and in 1993, in 1998, in 2002, in 2006 succeeded in Zunyi has held second, three, four, five session of national young people acrobatics competition.  The Chinese Communist Party Zunyi Municipal party committee work is originally the Zunyi economic development zone management meeting work place, in 2004, authorizes by the State Council, after the establishment collects the Sichuan area, collects the Sichuan regional people’s government other selected location construction, in 2005 Chinese Communist Party Zunyi Municipal party committee moves into the work.  Zunyi Museum.She is situated in collecting the Sichuan area people road and the bead sea route intersection point, total area 14873 square meters, floor space 8201 square meters.  This hall establishes November 20, 2006, is take the cultural relic and the natural specimen collection, the protection, the research, the demonstration as the main function, take displays the social function, the dissemination is beneficial in the social progress, the thought morals, the science and technology, the civilized knowledge as the goal, opens the non-beneficial social service organization to the public, is the Zunyi promotion of cultural and ethical progress important base.  At present, but also occupies the arrangement stage, the dwelling principal part of a project has completed, the internal facility construction is stepping up to carry on, the exhibition demonstrated the work is advancing intense but orderly.  The exhibition program has drawn up initially, the exhibition content determination for bountiful Zunyi, historical Zunyi, the local Zunyi three major parts, gets down supposes 13 units, by approaches the general public comprehensive, demonstrates Zunyi’s nature, the history vividly.  Collected the Sichuan area the predecessor is in July, 1992, by the Guizhou Province people’s government authorization, the establishment Zunyi economic development zone, the plan area was 14 square kilometers, in 1998 Zunyi Economic development zone Party Working committee, the management meeting adjusted for Chinese Communist Party Zunyi Municipal party committee, the city people’s government county level agency.On December 26, 2003, State Council gave a written reply to a subordinate to agree that, became Guizhou Province 88th county level administrative area, because the area government locus geographic name for collected the Sichuan dam, also consulted the national other counties, the city, the area, the town, the street does not have this, therefore the crown named collected the Sichuan area, the entire area governed six town two subdistrict offices, the area 695 square kilometers, total population 310,000.Zunyi collects the Sichuan area and the Zunyi economic development zone practices a two sign set of personnel’s parallel system, since a county level administrative area, also is the provincial level economic development zone.  Collects the Sichuan area has the suburb characteristic city newly developed area, in the area the transportation is convenient, the infrastructure is perfect.Already completed the width 20-40 meter city host yang or male principle more than 10 strip, completed each kind of market near 30, specialized market 15.Symbolic constructions and so on municipal party committee, municipal government’s administrative work center, sports and artistic center, Zunyi newspaper industry building are located in the area.  Collects the Sichuan area mountains and rivers to be elegant, the pleasant weather, is the patriotic education base and the leisure summer vacation paradise, the Loulan scenery scenic spot area, the middle ages military castle Pipefish grain bin, Dong Gongsi town scenic spots and so on rural scenery attracts large quantities of tourists to go to the sightseeing tour every year.  Long March electric appliance group company.This company is according to the country about the third line construction deployment, moves to the interland the construction in on century at the end of 60’s the beginning of 70’s by Shanghai, is the national deployment in the southwest biggest electric appliance production enterprise.Presently is the national large-scale 13 enterprises.The group company subordinates have 15 plants, a research institute, four two level of companies, China and Germany Joint venture, has the country to authorize the establishment the enterprise technology center.The company total property 1,100,000,000 Yuan, the occupying a land area of 930,000 square meters ², the floor space 560,000 square meters ², the main production equipment 2100 wraps, the large-scale equipment 180 wraps, product assembly production line 15, have the annual production high and low pressure to become the electric appliance 18000, the high pressure has carries the switch 3000, the high and low pressure electric appliance part 3,060,000, year gross value of industrial output 1,200,000,000 Yuan productivities.Therefore the Shanghai road also acquires fame.  The Australian method is very short, nearby our left hand is the Zunyi newspaper industry building, in January 26, 2003, was completed officially.The building is located collects the Sichuan area and the safflower hillock area intersection point, the area 4000 square meters, building high 29, is north the present Guizhou Province the first tall building, total investment 88,000,000 Yuan.In 2002 gave a written reply to a subordinate according to the Guizhou Province news publication bureau, to determine original Zunyi Newspaper office and the Zunyi Late Newspaper office merge reorganization, new Zunyi Newspaper office implemented " one society two to report " (the Zunyi Daily, the Zunyi evening news) the system.Merge reorganization Zunyi Newspaper office altogether has the staff more than 300 people, has a two newspaper net (the Zunyi Daily, the Zunyi evening news, Zunyi in wire); On in this advanced newspaper industry building which sees now in us work. On the Chinese north road has the Zunyi broadcast television information network limited liability company.  The Zunyi broadcast television information network limited liability company in December, 2005 the official license being established, by the original Zunyi broadcast television hub is a main body, whole city 14 counties, area (city) the wired network property comprehensive conformity creation becomes. Take transmits on the video information and the development network the multi-purpose services as the principal work, is responsible for the Zunyi public address television network the construction, the development, the management and the management.  After south the Chinese north road and China the road traffic light, enters south China the road.South China the road is our Zunyi liveliest business district, she is on the century at the beginning of 80’s, along with the reform and open policy thorough, original Zunyi (present safflower hillock area) starts to begin unceasingly the road to carry on the transformation to China south.  Here has the national famous civilized rural fair, careless family well synthesis wholesale market.In February, 1986, at that time opened in the southwest biggest small commodity wholesale market - - careless family well market in the reform flood tide.Comes from places the such as Zhejiang, Hubei, Sichuan merchants converges the careless family well, when got up young boss.Because the careless family well market has succeeded brings in foreign capital, the preferential benefit policy and the standard management enjoys a good reputation the four directions.The present careless family well market already was a collection small commodity, the general merchandise, the footwear, the clothing, the electric appliance and so on the class complete synthesis wholesale markets.  Now, strolls the careless family well market, to the careless family well shopping, no longer is the small merchant patent, is many Zunyi people lives a part.Enters careless family well which crowds one another, leisurely strolls arrives in front of some booth, traces the commodity the quality, chops the price, the appropriate payment, not suitable has a look also, considers after-working hours another the kind of life condition.But a same year pure small commodity wholesale market, has developed a commodity variety to be complete, the collection wholesale, the retail sales are a body comprehensive market, more than 2000 dealers, more than 7000 jobholders realize their dream in here, pursues their hope ......Same year young boss, passed through for more than 20 years to hit spells, develops boss Cheng Da, sets in Zunyi industry gets married has been not infrequent.  Walks south China the road, arrives the new cross, the Zunyi resident is named “the T-shaped mouth”.Middle that makes an idol names is “the dawn”, Italy will pick up tomorrow for the Zunyi people the sun.Here is the Zunyi center region.  Lu Wangyou walks from China, passes through the New China road, arrives the phoenix road, that is the Pheonix mountains country forest park.She is located the Zunyi town center, Xiangjiang River river bank.In the park the peaks and ridges fluctuation, the boundless forest vast, the sierra is continuous, year to year covers by a piece of green, the round-off work above 90%, by the reputation is “a Zunyi people’s green pearl”.The park including small Mt. Longshan, Pheonix mountains, mountain peaks and so on Jin Shishan, the maximum elevation 1058 meters, the lowest elevation 810 meters, the height relationship 247 meters, is the Zhongshan knoll landform type.Management area more than 3000 Chinese acres.In the mountain has eight water seepage, respectively is mountain Longquan, the binocular phoenix spring, the carp spring, the bucket spring, the gruff spring, the spring flowing out from among rocks, washes after the pond and the monk spring.The Hunan rivers and streams surround Pheonix mountains to put on the city, after many year governments, the river water water quality distinct improvement, is Zunyi。  Among the Pheonix mountains country forest park for the Pheonix mountains commemoration forest region, the Red Army martyrs’ cemetery is located originally.In 1952 started the afforestation, in 1957 Zunyi Municipal government Pheonix mountains will construct will be the forest park, in 1984 began construction to construct the Pheonix mountains park, in 1986 named officially as the Zunyi Pheonix mountains park.In 1994 will act according to the Guizhou Province forestry hall instruction spirit, the Zunyi Municipal government agreement the Pheonix mountains park reconstruction for the Pheonix mountains provincial level forest park, the park subordination forestry department forest park management series.In November, 2001 the National Forestry Bureau authorization agreed establishes the Pheonix mountains country forest park.  Under the mountain is the Zunyi Pheonix mountains culture square, above building is Zunyi international can unfold the center, by the Zunyi people’s government construction, completed in August 18, 2002.My city must hold 2 every year in here to 3 nationwide large-scale activity.  The mountain following Hunan rivers and streams surround Pheonix mountains to put on the city, the Zunyi entire city complements blue in the mountain range fluctuation, Bai Cuisong in, is acclaimed all the tourist national botanical garden city that “the city in the green, the water in the city, the human in the scenery” the beautiful scenery.  Pheonix mountains country forest park opposite, so long as from the lizard bridge the Hunan rivers and streams, “the Red Army street”, a group has walked along “the Red Army street”, is the Zunyi Conference commemorates the system.Inside has the Red Army Zunyi General political department former site, Deng Xiaoping address, the well-informed in ancient learning old home, the Zunyi Conference exhibition hall, the Chinese Soviet State bank former site, the Red Army Zunyi Garrison headquarters former site and so on.  Zunyi’s city’s appearance, the city appearance, I introduced temporarily here, asks respectfully to propose the valued suggestion.

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nationwide building society(英文介绍菲律宾的饮食文化)





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本文目录我想把老电脑的cpu换了,我用的是英特尔 赛扬 e3500 想换个酷睿2 e8600,这个cpu怎赛扬e3500能不能升级win10775插槽的E3500电脑有升级的必要吗我想把老电脑的cpu换了,我用的是英特尔 赛扬 e3500

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联想y480内存是低压吗(联想Y480N-IFI和Dell/戴尔 灵越14(3443) Ins14C-4528哪个好)

联想y480内存是低压吗(联想Y480N-IFI和Dell/戴尔 灵越14(3443) Ins14C-4528哪个好)

本文目录联想Y480N-IFI和Dell/戴尔 灵越14(3443) Ins14C-4528哪个好联想y470支持低电压内存条吗联想y400的内存条的型号是什么是低压的吗联想Y480N-IFI和Dell/戴尔 灵越14(3443) Ins1

2024年6月24日 04:14



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2023年10月14日 01:50



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2023年10月29日 09:40



本文目录诺基亚1020手机无法连接到电脑助手诺基亚Lumia1020怎样越狱用什么手机助手诺基亚1020怎么下载软件怎么开启小娜 诺基亚1020诺基亚1020怎么连接xp电脑诺基亚1020怎么刷机诺基亚1020很多软件游戏下载不了请问如何将

2024年6月30日 03:06




2023年8月15日 07:30



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