wildfires是什么意思中文(英语作文 做饭过程)

2024-09-06 16:15:02 0

wildfires是什么意思中文(英语作文 做饭过程)

各位老铁们好,相信很多人对wildfires是什么意思中文都不是特别的了解,因此呢,今天就来为大家分享下关于wildfires是什么意思中文以及英语作文 做饭过程的问题知识,还望可以帮助大家,解决大家的一些困惑,下面一起来看看吧!


英语作文 做饭过程

Today is Sunday. It is 10:30 in the morning. My mother is teaching me how to cook rice. My mother says to me, “First, you must wash the rice . Next, put the rice into the pot. Then, put some water in it. After that, cover the pot and put it on the cooker. Cook it for about 15 minutes. It is ok. Finally, uncover the pot and put the rice into some bowls. You can enjoy it soon



Today is Sunday. It is 10:30 in the morning. My mother is teaching me how to cook rice. My mother says to me, “First, you must wash the rice . Next, put the rice into the pot. Then, put some water in it. After that, cover the pot and put it on the cooker. Cook it for about 15 minutes. It is ok. Finally, uncover the pot and put the rice into some bowls. You can enjoy it soon 今天是星期天,是上午10;30,我妈妈在教我怎么做饭,我妈妈对我说:”第一,你必须洗米,下一步,把米放进锅,然后,放一些水进里面,之后,水覆盖了米再放锅进电饭煲,煮15分钟,它就好了,最后,把饭从锅里舀出来放到碗里,你就可以好好吃了


Home Cooking My country is famous for its good food. There is a wide variety of delicious food available at food stands and restaurants in every price range. Despite this, although I do enjoy eating out occasionally, I really prefer to cook and eat at home with my family. Although the food we prepare may not be as elegant as that which can be found in a fine restaurant, I like the taste of my mother’s cooking because it tastes like home. She is the head chef at our house, but we all help in the kitchen when we can. Preparing food together is fun and brings us closer. We also talk more around the dinner table when we eat together at home because the atmosphere is quieter and more personal. We are all relaxed and can say whatever es to mind. Lastly, when we are finished we do not have to worry about who will pay the bill. I love to eat, and I love to eat with my family. We all feel fortableshavingsdinner at home and really enjoy the quiet time that we can spend together. Eating out is great on a special occasion or for a change of pace, but nothing can replace the joy I find in eating at home. zuowenju中文翻译: 在家做饭 我国以美食闻名,小吃摊和各种不同价位的餐厅都有各式各样好吃的食物可供选择。











范文二: Today is Sunday. It is 10:30 in the morning. My mother is teaching me how to cook rice. My mother says to me, “First, you must wash the rice . Next, put the rice into the pot. Then, put some water in it. After that, cover the pot and put it on the cooker. Cook it for about 15 minutes. It is ok. Finally, uncover the pot and put the rice into some bowls. You can enjoy it soon 今天是星期天,是上午10;30,我妈妈在教我怎么做饭,我妈妈对我说:”第一,你必须洗米,下一步,把米放进锅,然后,放一些水进里面,之后,水覆盖了米再放锅进电饭煲,煮15分钟,它就好了,最后,把饭从锅里舀出来放到碗里,你就可以好好吃了


Cabbage 1.Cabbage heart the root pares into a sharp form with the *** all Yin, on breaking o halfs cut into 7 Li rices long, the cabbage, ham of 0.6 Li rices breadth, the bamboo shoot cuts into a sparerib slice and each chestnut up slices 10, fill with water inside pot, put to cook the skin soft into the chestnut and take advantage o heat to peel off the chestnut skin. 2.Descend into the chestnut while going to the peanut oil into inside the pot, ascending fire to burn into 60% heat, cabbage, a little bit fry once, get to control clean oil. 3.Fry the pot set fire up, put is 30 grams into the lard, immediately next go into a cabbage, chestnut, ham slice, bamboo shoot slice, the salt monosodium glutamate refined sugar boils with the wildfires, use *** all fire Men again for 5 minutes, adjust starch to hang up Qian with water and light a scented ointment a pot then. The hot flavor celery fries a meat end 1)the celery slice granule, and the garlic cut to pieces and the red and sharp Jiao is 2 and cut into a turn of son.2)pot hot oil, put to go into a spoon chop thin of the Pi county bean sauce and garlic end sharp Jiao turn son, pour into meat stuffing son after frying a flavor, continue to turn over to fry.The turkey end is more white, so, for wanting let the color of meat end bee deeply at 1:00, pour a little old take out a sauce.3)fry the meat pours into a celery after change countenance ground, fry a celery to arrive to have no humidity like. Note:1)I feel and the celery can also cut into granule to replace with other vegetables.2)I use of the meat stuffing son be a turkey of, what tail use is a beef of, I feel and can also use pork.3)fear hot words, the sharp Jiao can not put and the chili sauce can also not put.

我喜欢做饭 求一篇英语作文

I hope that they can feel itI like to cook because I want to let others eat my cooking products. I want to see their face with a *** ile when they feel my foods are tasty and good. I would feel happy when I see their *** ile and eating happily. Since those foods are being cooked by my hard. It is because those dishes and tools are oily and dirty. They are different to clean and wash.Therefore, I always have the problem of cook and clean, heart and love.However, I do not like to clean and wash the dishes and tools


The Meal Cooked by MumMy mum is good at cooking. She cooks for my family everyday. It is noon now and mum is cooking at the kitchen.About enty mimutes later,all the dishes are ready.They are all on the table now.Fish,eggs,meat,chitken and vegetables.They all *** ell good Wow,what a rich meal! I like eggs best,they are so delicious.I love the meal,and I love my mum too.



在家做饭(Home Cooking) My country is famous for its good food. There is a wide variety of delicious food available at food stands and restaurants in every price range. Despite this, although I do enjoy eating out occasionally, I really prefer to cook and eat at home with my family. oh100 Although the food we prepare may not be as elegant as that which can be found in a fine restaurant, I like the taste of my mother’s cooking because it tastes like home. She is the head chef at our house, but we all help in the kitchen when we can. Preparing food together is fun and brings us closer. We also talk more around the dinner table when we eat together at home because the atmosphere is quieter and more personal. We are all relaxed and can say whatever es to mind. Lastly, when we are finished we do not have to worry about who will pay the bill.I love to eat, and I love to eat with my family. We all feel fortableshavingsdinner at home and really enjoy the quiet time that we can spend together. Eating out is great on a special occasion or for a change of pace, but nothing can replace the joy I find in eating at home.Home Cooking My country is famous for its good food. There is a wide variety of delicious food available at food stands and restaurants in every price range. Despite this, although I do enjoy eating out occasionally, I really prefer to cook and eat at home with my family.Although the food we prepare may not be as elegant as that which can be found in a fine restaurant, I like the taste of my mother’s cooking because it tastes like home. She is the head chef at our house, but we all help in the kitchen when we can. Preparing food together is fun and brings us closer. We also talk more around the dinner table when we eat together at home because the atmosphere is quieter and more personal. We are all relaxed and can say whatever es to mind. Lastly, when we are finished we do not have to worry about who will pay the bill.I love to eat, and I love to eat with my family. We all feel fortableshavingsdinner at home and really enjoy the quiet time that we can spend together. Eating out is great on a special occasion or for a change of pace, but nothing can replace the joy I find in eating at home.


这是英国的 望采纳~~Compared to other European countries, Britain has been criticized for not diet culture; But as Britain join the European Union, the different diet culture has been introduced in the UK, and British consumers in terms of food demand, caused a revolutionary change和其他欧洲国家相比,英国向来被批评为没有饮食文化;不过随着英国加入欧盟之后,不同的饮食文化已被引进了英国,造成英国消费者在食品需求方面,出现了革命性的变化。

Compared to other European countries, Britain has been criticized for not diet culture; But as Britain join the European Union, the different diet culture has been introduced in the UK, and British consumers in terms of food demand, caused a revolutionary change简而言之,英国菜制作方式有两种;放入烤箱烤、放入锅里煮。




Their habits stewed, barbecue, Fried and Fried foods, including vegetables. For meat, seafood, game cooking also has a unique way. And they on beef special preferences, such as barbecue beef, when eating is not only the enclosed seasonal vegetables, baked detailed taro, also the steak with a little mustard sauce; On the use of ingredients like butter and liquor; Fresh on spices, cinnamon or other spices.他们习惯烩、烧烤、煎和油炸食物,甚至包括蔬菜。


Dinner for British people and is the most important part in daily life, they choose the meal time is usually late, and ate and drank, chatted, to promote the friendship beeen have dinner person, but to see they are belong to the autonomy of ethnic groups, a dinner for them may take a few hours!晚餐对英国人来说也是日常生活中最重要的一部份,他们选择的用餐时间通常较晚,而且都是边吃边喝边聊,以促进用餐人之间的情谊,可想见他们是属于极有自主性的民族,一顿晚餐对他们来说可能要花上好几个钟头!Fish and Fried potatoes, this is the "McDonald’s", is a kind of cheap and convenient food. Fish are flatfish, or cod, with French fries dipped in salt or vinegar (many British people use both), is very popular with ordinary people.炸鱼及炸马铃薯条,这是英国的“麦当劳”,是一种既便宜又方便的食品。



How to make scrambled eggs with tomatoesScrambled egg with tomato is a home-cooked food, it both delicious and easy to do. Do scrambled egg with tomato need raw materials have a tomato, three eggs, a green salt-pepper and oil. First will tomatoes and green pepper and chop. Then the eggs break in a bowl and stir. Then the eggs bowl put some salt and stir. Finally the heating, put some oil in the pan, and then put into the tomato and egg and green pepper. Stir-fry well after turn off the heat with plate rigged up. 翻译:如何做西红柿炒鸡蛋西红柿炒鸡蛋是一道家常菜,它既美味可口又简单易做。







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spread across传遍; 席卷; 遍布例句 1 Responsibility for, say, reducing childhood obesity is currently spread across many departments. 比如,目前减少肥胖儿童的责任由很多部门共同负责。 2 In September 1970, wildfires sparked by Santa Ana winds spread across 400 square miles of California. 1970年9月,圣安娜风(Santa Ana Winds)引发的野火在加州四处蔓延,席卷400平方英里。 3 The messages are spread across two queues with the volume distributed equally between them. 这些消息分布在两个队列中,两个队列中的消息量平均分配。 4 Its proposed power plants are spread across 18 states, according to the analysis. 根据分析,将要建设的火电站将遍布印度的18个州。

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wildfires野火wild 英 adj. 野生的; 野蛮的; 狂热的; 荒凉的; n. 荒野; 未开化的地方; 偏远地区; 人烟稀少的地区; adv. 疯狂地; 胡乱地;fire 英 n. 火灾; 火,燃烧物; 射击,发射; 热情; vt.& vi. 开火,射击; 燃烧; 引爆炸药; 充满热情; vt. 《口》解雇; (箭) 射; 激励; (子弹) 射出; 复数:fires


。。俄。。。要求还蛮高的。。=。=#。。看好拉=0=#。。先是中文的。。。材料:8支鸡翅、1杯可乐、1/4杯酱油、1大匙糖、葱2根切段、柠檬皮丝少许。 做法: 1、除鸡翅外,所有材料混合成腌料;但需多留一些柠檬皮丝做最后的装饰。 2、鸡翅切成两半,浸入腌料中,腌40分钟左右。 3、腌好的鸡翅入热油锅略炸,至外皮金黄即可起锅。 4、炸好的鸡翅加腌料,置另一锅用大火煮至滚后,转小火继续煮约半小时,盛于碗盘后,洒少许柠檬皮丝。 这里是英语版的=。=#。。Material:8 wings,one glass cola,1/4 cup sauces,1 major spoon of sugar,spring onions 2 the roots slice a segment,the lemon skin silk few. Way of doing: 1,in addition to wing, all material mixtures become to preserve~ in salt to anticipate;But need to stay some adornments that the lemon skin silks do an end more. 2,the wing cut in half, dipping in to preserve~ in salt to anticipate medium, preserve~ in salt for about 40 minutes. 3,preserve~ in salt a good wing to fry slightly into the hot oil pan, go to the cortex gold to rise a pot then. 4,fry a good wing to add to preserve~ in salt to anticipate, place another a pot of cook with the wildfires to roll after, turn small fire to continue to cook to invite half an hour, prosperous in bowl dish after, spread few lemon skin silk.

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wildfires是什么意思中文(英语作文 做饭过程)






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