ultrasonics(有投过ultrasonics的吗,为嘛一直with editor)

2023-02-10 12:30:01 69

ultrasonics(有投过ultrasonics的吗,为嘛一直with editor)


有投过ultrasonics的吗,为嘛一直with editor

根据杂志而定,有的快有的慢,有的with editor 一天后就under review了。有的两个月都算正常。 更有的投稿系统根本没有with editor这个过程,就是同一个期刊都有不同的时间 这个和杂志和审稿人都有关系,投文章需要点耐心啊,国外SCI总的来说比


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法定代表人:Jon Christopher Piasecki
英文名:Branson Ultrasonics (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.


vibrations of frequencies greater than the upper limit of the audible range for humans—that is, greater than about 20 kilohertz. The term sonic is applied to ultrasound waves of very high amplitudes. Hypersound, sometimes called praetersound or microsound, is sound waves of frequencies greater than 1013 hertz. At such high frequencies it is very difficult for a sound wave to propagate efficiently; indeed, above a frequency of about 1.25 × 1013 hertz, it is impossible for longitudinal waves to propagate at all, even in a liquid or a solid, because the molecules of the material in which the waves are traveling cannot pass the vibration along rapidly enough.
TableMany animals have the ability to hear sounds in the human ultrasonic frequency range. Some ranges of hearing for mammals and insects are compared with those of humans in the Table. A presumed sensitivity of roaches and rodents to frequencies in the 40 kilohertz region has led to the manufacture of “pest controllers” that emit loud sounds in that frequency range to drive the pests away, but they do not appear to work as advertised.
An ultrasonic transducer is a device used to convert some other type of energy into an ultrasonic vibration. There are several basic types, classified by the energy source and by the medium into which the waves are being generated. Mechanical devices include gas-driven, or pneumatic, transducers such as whistles as well as liquid-driven transducers such as hydrodynamic oscillators and vibrating blades. These devices, limited to low ultrasonic frequencies, have a number of industrial applications, including drying, ultrasonic cleaning, and injection of fuel oil into burners. Electromechanical transducers are far more versatile and include piezoelectric and magnetostrictive devices. A magnetostrictive transducer makes use of a type of magnetic material in which an applied oscillating magnetic field squeezes the atoms of the material together, creating a periodic change in the length of the material and thus producing a high-frequency mechanical vibration. Magnetostrictive transducers are used primarily in the lower frequency ranges and are common in ultrasonic cleaners and ultrasonic machining applications.
By far the most popular and versatile type of ultrasonic transducer is the piezoelectric crystal, which converts an oscillating electric field applied to the crystal into a mechanical vibration. Piezoelectric crystals include quartz, Rochelle salt, and certain types of ceramic. Piezoelectric transducers are readily employed over the entire frequency range and at all output levels. Particular shapes can be chosen for particular applications. For example, a disc shape provides a plane ultrasonic wave, while curving the radiating surface in a slightly concave or bowl shape creates an ultrasonic wave that will focus at a specific point.
Piezoelectric and magnetostrictive transducers also are employed as ultrasonic receivers, picking up an ultrasonic vibration and converting it into an electrical oscillation.
Applications in research
One of the important areas of scientific study in which ultrasonics has had an enormous impact is cavitation. When water is boiled, bubbles form at the bottom of the container, rise in the water, and then collapse, leading to the sound of the boiling water. The boiling process and the resulting sounds have intrigued people since they were first observed, and they were the object of considerable research and calculation by the British physicists Osborne Reynolds and Lord Rayleigh, who applied the term cavitation to the process of formation of bubbles. Because an ultrasonic wave can be used carefully to control cavitation, ultrasound has been a useful tool in the investigation of the process. The study of cavitation has also provided important information on intermolecular forces.
Research is being carried out on aspects of the cavitation process and its applications. A contemporary subject of research involves emission of light as the cavity produced by a high-intensity ultrasonic wave collapses. This effect, called sonoluminescence, is believed to create instantaneous temperatures hotter than the surface of the Sun.
The speed of propagation of an ultrasonic wave is strongly dependent on the viscosity of the medium. This property can be a useful tool in investigating the viscosity of materials. Because the various parts of a living cell are distinguished by differing viscosities, acoustical microscopy can make use of this property of cells to “see” into living cells, as will be discussed below in Medical applications.
Ranging and navigating
Sonar (sound navigation and ranging) has extensive marine applications. By sending out pulses of sound or ultrasound and measuring the time required for the pulses to reflect off a distant object and return to the source, the location of that object can be ascertained and its motion tracked. This technique is used extensively to locate and track submarines at sea and to locate explosive mines below the surface of the water. Two boats at known locations can also use triangulation to locate and track a third boat or submarine. The distance over which these techniques can be used is limited by temperature gradients in the water, which bend the beam away from the surface and create shadow regions. One of the advantages of ultrasonic waves over sound waves in underwater applications is that, because of their higher frequencies (or shorter wavelengths), the former will travel greater distances with less diffraction.
Ranging has also been used to map the bottom of the ocean, providing depth charts that are commonly used in navigation, particularly near coasts and in shallow waterways. Even small boats are now equipped with sonic ranging devices that determine and display the depth of the water so that the navigator can keep the boat from beaching on submerged sandbars or other shallow points. Modern fishing boats use ultrasonic ranging devices to locate schools of fish, substantially increasing their efficiency.
Even in the absence of visible light, bats can guide their flight and even locate flying insects (which they consume in flight) through the use of sonic ranging. Ultrasonic echolocation has also been used in traffic control applications and in counting and sorting items on an assembly line. Ultrasonic ranging provides the basis of the eye and vision systems for robots, and it has a number of important medical applications (see below).
The Doppler effect
If an ultrasonic wave is reflected off a moving obstacle, the frequency of the resulting wave will be changed, or Doppler-shifted. More specifically, if the obstacle is moving toward the source, the frequency of the reflected wave will be increased; and if the obstacle is moving away from the source, the frequency of the reflected wave will be decreased. The amount of the frequency shift can be used to determine the velocity of the moving obstacle. Just as the Doppler shift for radar, an electromagnetic wave, can be used to determine the speed of a moving car, so can the speed of a moving submarine be determined by the Doppler shift of a sonar beam. An important industrial application is the ultrasonic flow meter, in which reflecting ultrasound off a flowing liquid leads to a Doppler shift that is calibrated to provide the flow rate of the liquid. This technique also has been applied to blood flow in arteries. Many burglar alarms, both for home use and for use in commercial buildings, employ the ultrasonic Doppler shift principle. Such alarms cannot be used where pets or moving curtains might activate them.
Materials testing
Nondestructive testing involves the use of ultrasonic echolocation to gather information on the integrity of mechanical structures. Since changes in the material present an impedance mismatch from which an ultrasonic wave is reflected, ultrasonic testing can be used to identify faults, holes, cracks, or corrosion in materials, to inspect welds, to determine the quality of poured concrete, and to monitor metal fatigue. Owing to the mechanism by which sound waves propagate in metals, ultrasound can be used to probe more deeply than any other form of radiation. Ultrasonic procedures are used to perform in-service inspection of structures in nuclear reactors.
Structural flaws in materials can also be studied by subjecting the materials to stress and looking for acoustic emissions as the materials are stressed. Acoustic emission, the general name for this type of nondestructive study, has developed as a distinct field of acoustics.
High-intensity applications
High-intensity ultrasound has achieved a variety of important applications. Perhaps the most ubiquitous is ultrasonic cleaning, in which ultrasonic vibrations are set up in small liquid tanks in which objects are placed for cleaning. Cavitation of the liquid by the ultrasound, as well as the vibration, create turbulence in the liquid and result in the cleaning action. Ultrasonic cleaning is very popular for jewelry and has also been used with such items as dentures, surgical instruments, and small machinery. Degreasing is often enhanced by ultrasonic cleaning. Large-scale ultrasonic cleaners have also been developed for use in assembly lines.
Ultrasonic machining employs the high-intensity vibrations of a transducer to move a machine tool. If necessary, a slurry containing carborundum grit may be used; diamond tools can also be used. A variation of this technique is ultrasonic drilling, which makes use of pneumatic vibrations at ultrasonic frequencies in place of the standard rotary drill bit. Holes of virtually any shape can be drilled in hard or brittle materials such as glass, germanium, or ceramic.
Ultrasonic soldering has become important, especially for soldering unusual or difficult materials and for very clean applications. The ultrasonic vibrations perform the function of cleaning the surface, even removing the oxide layer on aluminum so that the material can be soldered. Because the surfaces can be made extremely clean and free from the normal thin oxide layer, soldering flux becomes unnecessary.
Chemical and electrical uses
The chemical effects of ultrasound arise from an electrical discharge that accompanies the cavitation process. This forms a basis for ultrasound’s acting as a catalyst in certain chemical reactions, including oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis, polymerization and depolymerization, and molecular rearrangement. With ultrasound, some chemical processes can be carried out more rapidly, at lower temperatures, or more efficiently.
The ultrasonic delay line is a thin layer of piezoelectric material used to produce a short, precise delay in an electrical signal. The electrical signal creates a mechanical vibration in the piezoelectric crystal that passes through the crystal and is converted back to an electrical signal. A very precise time delay can be achieved by constructing a crystal with the proper thickness. These devices are employed in fast electronic timing circuits.
Medical applications
Although ultrasound competes with other forms of medical imaging, such as X-ray techniques and magnetic resonance imaging, it has certain desirable features—for example, Doppler motion study—that the other techniques cannot provide. In addition, among the various modern techniques for the imaging of internal organs, ultrasonic devices are by far the least expensive. Ultrasound is also used for treating joint pains and for treating certain types of tumours for which it is desirable to produce localized heating. A very effective use of ultrasound deriving from its nature as a mechanical vibration is the elimination of kidney and bladder stones.
Much medical diagnostic imaging is carried out with X rays. Because of the high photon energies of the X ray, this type of radiation is highly ionizing—that is, X rays are readily capable of destroying molecular bonds in the body tissue through which they pass. This destruction can lead to changes in the function of the tissue involved or, in extreme cases, its annihilation.
One of the important advantages of ultrasound is that it is a mechanical vibration and is therefore a nonionizing form of energy. Thus, it is usable in many sensitive circumstances where X rays might be damaging. Also, the resolution of X rays is limited owing to their great penetrating ability and the slight differences between soft tissues. Ultrasound, on the other hand, gives good contrast between various types of soft tissue.
Ultrasonic scanning in medical diagnosis uses the same principle as sonar. Pulses of high-frequency ultrasound, generally above one megahertz, are created by a piezoelectric transducer and directed into the body. As the ultrasound traverses various internal organs, it encounters changes in acoustic impedance, which cause reflections. The amount and time delay of the various reflections can be analyzed to obtain information regarding the internal organs. In the B-scan mode, a linear array of transducers is used to scan a plane in the body, and the resultant data is displayed on a television screen as a two-dimensional plot. The A-scan technique uses a single transducer to scan along a line in the body, and the echoes are plotted as a function of time. This technique is used for measuring the distances or sizes of internal organs. The M-scan mode is used to record the motion of internal organs, as in the study of heart dysfunction. Greater resolution is obtained in ultrasonic imaging by using higher frequencies—i.e., shorter wavelengths. A limitation of this property of waves is that higher frequencies tend to be much more strongly absorbed.
Because it is nonionizing, ultrasound has become one of the staples of obstetric diagnosis. During the process of drawing amniotic fluid in testing for birth defects, ultrasonic imaging is used to guide the needle and thus avoid damage to the fetus or surrounding tissue. Ultrasonic imaging of the fetus can be used to determine the date of conception, to identify multiple births, and to diagnose abnormalities in the development of the fetus.
Ultrasonic Doppler techniques have become very important in diagnosing problems in blood flow. In one technique, a three-megahertz ultrasonic beam is reflected off typical oncoming arterial blood with a Doppler shift of a few kilohertz—a frequency difference that can be heard directly by a physician. Using this technique, it is possible to monitor the heartbeat of a fetus long before a stethoscope can pick up the sound. Arterial diseases such as arteriosclerosis can also be diagnosed, and the healing of arteries can be monitored following surgery. A combination of B-scan imaging and Doppler imaging, known as duplex scanning, can identify arteries and immediately measure their blood flow; this has been extensively used to diagnose heart valve defects.
Using ultrasound with frequencies up to 2,000 megahertz, which has a wavelength of 0.75 micrometre in soft tissues (as compared with a wavelength of about 0.55 micrometre for light), ultrasonic microscopes have been developed that rival light microscopes in their resolution. The distinct advantage of ultrasonic microscopes lies in their ability to distinguish various parts of a cell by their viscosity. Also, because they require no artificial contrast mediums, which kill the cells, acoustic microscopy can study actual living cells.
Therapy and surgery
Because ultrasound is a mechanical vibration and can be well focused at high frequencies, it can be used to create internal heating of localized tissue without harmful effects on nearby tissue. This technique can be employed to relieve pains in joints, particularly in the back and shoulder. Also, research is now being carried out in the treatment of certain types of cancer by local heating, since focusing intense ultrasonic waves can heat the area of a tumour while not significantly affecting surrounding tissue.
Trackless surgery—that is, surgery that does not require an incision or track from the skin to the affected area—has been developed for several conditions. Focused ultrasound has been used for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease by creating brain lesions in areas that are inaccessible to traditional surgery. A common application of this technique is the destruction of kidney stones with shock waves formed by bursts of focused ultrasound. In some cases, a device called an ultrasonic lithotripter focuses the ultrasound with the help of X-ray guidance, but a more common technique for destruction of kidney stones, known as endoscopic ultrasonic disintegration, uses a small metal rod inserted through the skin to deliver ultrasound in the 22- to 30-kilohertz frequency region.
The term infrasonics refers to waves of a frequency below the range of human hearing—i.e., below about 20 hertz. Such waves occur in nature in earthquakes, waterfalls, ocean waves, volcanoes, and a variety of atmospheric phenomena such as wind, thunder, and weather patterns. Calculating the motion of these waves and predicting the weather using these calculations, among other information, is one of the great challenges for modern high-speed computers.
TableAircraft, automobiles, or other rapidly moving objects, as well as air handlers and blowers in buildings, also produce substantial amounts of infrasonic radiation. Studies have shown that many people experience adverse reactions to large intensities of infrasonic frequencies, developing headaches, nausea, blurred vision, and dizziness. On the other hand, a number of animals are sensitive to infrasonic frequencies, as indicated in the Table. It is believed by many zoologists that this sensitivity in animals such as elephants may be helpful in providing them with early warning of earthquakes and weather disturbances. It has been suggested that the sensitivity of birds to infrasound aids their navigation and even affects their migration.
One of the most important examples of infrasonic waves in nature is in earthquakes. Three principal types of earthquake wave exist: the S-wave, a transverse body wave; the P-wave, a longitudinal body wave; and the L-wave, which propagates along the boundary of stratified mediums. L-waves, which are of great importance in earthquake engineering, propagate in a similar way to water waves, at low velocities that are dependent on frequency. S-waves are transverse body waves and thus can only be propagated within solid bodies such as rocks. P-waves are longitudinal waves similar to sound waves; they propagate at the speed of sound and have large ranges.
When P-waves propagating from the epicentre of an earthquake reach the surface of the Earth, they are converted into L-waves, which may then damage surface structures. The great range of P-waves makes them useful in identifying earthquakes from observation points a great distance from the epicentre. In many cases, the most severe shock from an earthquake is preceded by smaller shocks, which provide advance warning of the greater shock to come. Underground nuclear explosions also produce P-waves, allowing them to be monitored from any point in the world if they are of sufficient intensity.
The reflection of man-made seismic shocks has helped to identify possible locations of oil and natural-gas sources. Distinctive rock formations in which these minerals are likely to be found can be identified by sonic ranging, primarily at infrasonic frequencies.
Environmental noise
Many forms of noise in the urban environment, including traffic and airplane noise, industrial noise, and noise from electronically amplified music performed at high audio levels in confined rooms, may contribute to hearing damage. Even when t

超声波 无损检测 的英语怎么说(写)

超声波 ultrasonic
《ultrasonic wave》 《ultrasonic sound》 《superaudible》 《ultrasound》 《supersonic》 《ultrasound wave》 《supersonic wave》 《ultrasonic waves》 《supersound》 《ultra-audio wave》 《supersonic rays》 《ultrasonics》 《hyperacoustic》 《UW》
无损检测 nondestructive examination (NDE)


翻译成英文是:The overload indicator light indicates that the ultrasonic current is over loaded.
indicate 英
vt. 表明,标示,指示; 象征,暗示,预示; 显示需要做…的治疗;
A survey of retired people has indicated that most are independent and enjoying life
第三人称单数:indicates 现在分词:indicating 过去式:indicated过去分词:indicated

adj. 超声的; 超音波的,超音速的;
n. 超声波;
He measured the speed at which ultrasonic waves travel along the bone.




  gravity n. 地心引力,重力,严重,庄重,严肃

  sound vt. 听(诊);测量,测…深;使发声;试探;宣告 n. 声音,语音;噪音;海峡;吵闹;听力范围; 探条 adj. 健全的,健康的;合理的;可靠的;有效彻底的 adv. 彻底地,充分地 vi. 听起来;发出声音;回响;测深

  acoustics n. (作单数)音响学, 声学 n. (复数) 音响效果

  vibration n. 震动, 颤动

  wavelength n. 波长, 波段

  intensity n. 激烈,强度,强烈,剧烈

  sonar n. 声纳,声波定位器

  energy n. 活力,精力,能力,能,能量

  magnifier n. 放大镜,放大器

  ultraviolet adj. 紫外线的 n.紫外线

  infrared ray 红外线

  dispersion n. 散布

  transparent adj. 透明的, 明显的, 清晰的

  translucent adj. 半透明的.

  opaque adj. 不透明的, 难懂的

  electron tube n. 真空管, 电子管

  electron n. 电子

  static electricity n.静位觉

  static n. 静电, 静电干扰, 噪声, 阻碍, 抨击 adj. 静态的,静电的,固态的

  semiconductor n. 半导体

  electric circuit n. 电路

  circuit n. 电路,一圈,巡回 vt. &vi. 巡回

  electric shock 触电, 电休克

  shock n. 震动,冲突,震惊,休克 vt. &vi.震动,冲突,使...受电击

  storage battery n. 蓄电池

  storage n. 储存体, 储藏, 仓库, 保管费

  magnetism n. 磁性, 吸引力, 磁学

  electromagnetism n. 电磁, 电磁学

  velocity n. 速度, 速率, 迅速

  acceleration n. 加速,促进,加速度

  equilibrium n. 平衡,均衡

  gravitation n. 万有引力

  resonance n. 共鸣, 共振, 洪亮

  amplify v. 扩大, 详述, 使...增幅

  amplification n. 扩大, 扩充,膨胀 n. 详述, 引伸,推广 n. 增幅, 放大(率), 放大倍数

  amplifier n. 放大器, 扩音机

  conservation n. 保存, 防止流失, 守恒, 保护自然资源

  thermodynamics n. 热力学

  ultrasonics n. 超声学

  appliance n. 器具,器械,装置,应用

  alloy n. 合金 vt. 使...成合金, 搀以劣质, 减低成色, 影响或贬损 vi. 有合金能力

  property n. 财产; 性质; 道具

  trumpet n. 喇叭,喇叭声,喇叭手 vt. 宣扬;鼓吹;吹嘘 vi. 吹喇叭,发出喇叭似的声音

  trombone n. 长号,伸缩喇叭

  damp n. 毒气,湿气,丧气 adj. 潮湿的 vt. 呛,抑制,使潮湿 vi. 衰减

  dampen v. (使)潮湿, 使沮丧, 泼凉水

  undamped adj.不潮湿的

  patina n. 绿锈, 光泽, 古色, 神态, 圣餐盘 【机】 铜绿

  halt n. 停止,中止; 暂停; 小火车站 vt. 使停止; 使中断; 阻止; 使立定 vi. 停止,立定; 犹豫

  hull n. 壳, 皮, 船体 v. 去壳

  barnacle n. 黑雁

  film n. 电影, 胶卷, 薄膜 vt. 把...拍成电影, 给...覆上一薄层 vi. 从事电影拍摄

  desalination n. 脱盐(作用)

  optics n. 光学

  optical adj. 眼睛的, 视觉的, 光学的

  optical fiber n. 光导纤维

  fiber n. 纤维(物质),力量

  lens n. 镜头,透镜

  refract vt. 使折射, 测定屈光度





adj.超声的; 超音波的,超音速的;
The latest fish-finders combine different ultrasonic frequencies and beam angles toprobe the water around a boat.


Phoenix Wailer(凤凰哀鸣)系统(系统名称,不必翻译)
Bird Gard AVA 和 Bird Gard ABC(名称)


邻胺基苯甲酸甲酯 - ReJeX-iT
Bird Balls™ 鸟球(注册商标产品,不必翻译)
自从鸟击被确认为一种飞行安全灾害后,人们就对控制这种灾害的技术和产品产生了兴趣。的确,近几年来机场和其它场所对鸟击控制措施的需求有所增长。航空交通量的不断增大,以及开发出更大、更快、更安静的喷气式引擎飞机已使严重的鸟击风险不断加大。在加拿大,随着加拿大交通部(Transport Canada)将机场的日常管理权转交给私营机场管理者,这些管理者就对他们所管理的机场内的鸟击灾害负起了责任(以及极大的潜在义务)。机场管理者应采取适应不同情况的鸟类控制措施以显示其尽忠职守,这是非常重要的。他们应使用适当的产品和技术,同时,了解什么是性价比最好的方法也很重要。

求翻译 文献中的第一段(上接提问http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/190581582.html 未完待续)


ultrasonics(有投过ultrasonics的吗,为嘛一直with editor)

: ultrasonics,ultrasonic,so,




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本文目录魅蓝E评测:最贵的魅蓝手机带来了什么魅蓝e外插u盘怎么安装魅蓝e声音从usb声卡输出怎么弄掉我的魅蓝e手机外接u盘怎么不显示魅族魅蓝手机MTP USB设备驱动怎么安装教程魅蓝E怎么root魅族魅蓝E连接不了电脑怎么办魅蓝 E2怎么刷

2023年11月2日 00:05



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2023年10月14日 05:35

htc c510e(htc c510e屏幕左上方出现上下箭头是什么意思)

htc c510e(htc c510e屏幕左上方出现上下箭头是什么意思)

本文目录htc c510e屏幕左上方出现上下箭头是什么意思为什么HTC C510e会无故吃流量是我什么系统没关吗htc c510e root权限如何获取我的手机是htc c510e 微博定制板的我想root了不会弄,自己试了一下也不行,那位

2024年1月20日 23:10



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2024年6月3日 06:26




2024年5月3日 23:30




2024年5月4日 06:20

红米pro+和pro有什么区别(红米k40 pro和红米k40 pro+具体有啥区别吗)

红米pro+和pro有什么区别(红米k40 pro和红米k40 pro+具体有啥区别吗)

本文目录红米k40 pro和红米k40 pro+具体有啥区别吗小米11pro和pro+的区别redminote11tpro和pro+区别红米note11pro+和红米note11pro区别对比-哪个更值得入手红米note11tpro和11p

2024年6月6日 07:06

诺基亚6700s怎么充电(诺基亚6700S电池 第一次充电要充多长时间)

诺基亚6700s怎么充电(诺基亚6700S电池 第一次充电要充多长时间)

本文目录诺基亚6700S电池 第一次充电要充多长时间Nokia6700s能用USB接口的充电器充电吗诺基亚6700s要充12小时吗诺基亚6700S可以用数据线插到充电器插头充电吗不会有什么事吧是用数据线代替原来的充电线哦诺基亚6700S充电

2024年3月29日 09:00



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